{a glimpse into our world}

Monday, February 08, 2010

snow, snow go away...

It snowed ALL day today! I know it's only Februaury (and I live in CO) but STILL! I'm over the snow already. It started at the beginning of October. That is over four months now, Mother Nature.... throw us some nice Spring days soon! I am getting cabin fever on the weekends.;) There are only so many indoor places that I can take the boys. We have been playing the Wii a lot and watching movies at night. That is a lot of fun, too. I just like having choices- and in the winter, I don't! The boys aren't really into board games, Brendan always leaves if he loses. LOL We do our fair share of crafts. The boys love to paint and make Martian Matter (which we are totally out of and I cannot find it at any of the local stores- agghhhh).
Since the boys have DS's now, they play those a ton (if the neighbor kids can't come play). That just leaves me and Austin during the day while Daddy is at work. Austin doesn't like this because Mommy has too much time on her hands...to take pictures! Oh, please. Don't feel sorry for him. He loves it. He smiles his big baby smile every time. He is a great baby model! ;) I have a ton of pictures to prove it. I think the older two are so happy that Austin is their "fall guy". Keeps my camera out of their faces!
So- for Austin's sake, Mother Nature, please let Spring come on already!

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