{a glimpse into our world}

Friday, November 25, 2011

We are {Thankful}

Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a really great day today- good food and quality family time spent together.
Before dinner, we went around the table and said a few things that we are thankful for, we do this every year.
B: "my family, my video games and my house"
P: "my freedom to do what I want and my family"
D: "my boys, my beautiful wife (no lie) and the roof over our heads"
M: "my family, our home, our HEALTH and mommy and daddy's jobs"

We have a lot to be thankful for and we know it!
I feel so blessed; three healthy, handsome boys and a husband who is the best father. "My cup runneth over"

My version of the "thankful tree" that I found on pinterest.

After dinner, we watched the last rival game between the Longhorns and the Aggies, which was played at College Station, and the HORNS won!!! Final score: 27-25!! The last 7 minutes of this game gave me heartburn!
Good luck in the SEC next year, Ags.

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