{a glimpse into our world}

Sunday, April 17, 2011

visiting Terah!!

So, I decided to take Austin with me to {NYC} to visit Terah. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I did it. This was Austin's 1st plane ride. He did great on the way there- not so great on the way back, but let's not go there yet. ;)
We were there from Thursday, 4/7 until Monday, 4/11. Terah and I took lil A to Toys R Us in Times Square, to play in the sand at Long Beach, shopping, and to play in Central Park. It is a much different visit to the city with a toddler in tow. LOL I had no idea it was going to be so difficult (and TIRING) to navigate the subways and streets of Manhattan with a stroller.
Austin learned how to say "bye, bye choo choo". It was so cute. Terah has a light rail that goes down her street and he fell asleep on Sunday night saying "bye, bye choo choo".
Terah took a TON of pictures of Austin and I at the beach. Thanks again, T-Rah! Here are my favorites of the trip.

On this trip, Austin had his first official MELT DOWN! I guess he wasn't ready to leave the beach...he FLIPPED out! :( Poor Terah had to endure the screaming on the train until the lil guy fell asleep. I should have known this was a preview of the plane ride home. I did everything I could to prevent this- he played at the park and had food before we got to the airport. Nope- not in the cards. He screamed and screamed and screamed. I finally had to just get over it and realize- hopefully I will never see any of these people on the plane again in my LIFE. ;) It didn't help the situation at all that the plane was delayed by nearly 1.5 hrs!!!
My smart, brave BFF was able to go through security and wait with us at the gate. Now that is friendship! Terah, you are a saint. I love you! I can't wait to see you again...in Denver! ;)

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