Austin arrived on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 3:04pm. 
My doctor sent me to the hospital after my appointment on the 17th because he found protein in my urine. At the hospital, I started a 24 hr. urine collection. My doctor started the steroid shots to help Austin's lungs along- just in case. On Tuesday it was confirmed...I had severe toxemia. To be severe, 5 grams of protein is found in the urine. I had 7.5 grams! I got the second steroid shot on Tuesday and the delivery was set for Wednesday at 2pm. I was so scared- my due date wasn't for another 5 weeks! He wasn't due until Sept. 25th! But I started to feel much better when all the nurses told me that my doctor was the BEST! I fully trusted him before, but it's nice to know everyone thinks that way.
After a LONG night, it was delivery day. I don't think I could have been more nervous. I was so scared of the c-section. Just the anticipation was killing me. My nurse that morning was wonderful and I knew she would be in the room with me during the surgery. That helped a lot.
Once she started prepping me for surgery, I started shaking. The spinal wasn't that bad, but it took forever for the guy to get it right. Once that was done, I was feeling a little better. My doctor calmed me down a little when he came in- a familiar face. Then Kyle came in- that was calming, too. He was by my side throughout the surgery. I don't remember anything, really, until my doctor said "He's almost here". A minute later I heard Austin cry. That has to be the most amazing sound- the first cry after they enter the world. I started crying! The nurses did what they needed to do and a few minutes later they brought my new son over to me. He is amazing; perfect! I only got to see him for a minute before they took him to the NICU. He weighed 4lbs., 13ozs. and was 17 inches long. He had to stay in the NICU during our whole hospital stay, but he was never on oxygen or a feeding tube at all. He stayed one extra night in the hospital after I was released. We brought him home on Monday, August 24th.
Peyton & Brendan are both proud big brothers. They love Austin so much! He is an amazing addition to our family!
Welcome Home, baby Austin! We love you!